뉴스_월명동 소식

장년부 수련회 The JS department's retreat


 전국 장년부 수련회가 시작되었습니다.^^ The retreat of the JS department started!


 저녁에 있을 행사 준비에 다들 분주한 모습입니다. Some of them practiced a performance which they will do at night.


 아이들과 함께 수영도 하고 산책도 하구요^^ They swam and walked around with thier children.


 본 행사가 시작되었습니다. The main event began.


 먼저는 하나님께 영광. 찬양으로 준비하구요^^ First of all. They gave a glory and sang praises to God.


 귀하고 귀한 말씀으로 한층 자부심 업!업!업! great and valuable word!! The great pride of new history.


 감사의 마음으로 온 마음과 열정을 다해 하나님께 영광 돌렸습니다. Thanks to God. We gave glory to him with all our mind and heart.




은혜와 감동이 가득한 수련회였습니다.^^

폭염이라는 예보와는 달리 낮에 한차례 소나기로

무서운 더위가 한풀 꺽여

모두가 신나게 하루를 보낼 수 있었습니다.

말씀으로 가슴 뭉클한 은혜도 받고,

나이를 잊은 듯 열정적인 장년부의 예술제는

모두가 감탄할 수 밖에 없는 시간이었습니다.

하나님도 주님도 너무 좋아 입이 귀에 걸리셨을 것 같아요^^

On Saturday, from young JS to old JS, many adults joined the
summer retreat.

The sun was burning so hot in the morning. I was worried about
that people can get sunstroke.

A little before noon, a shower of rain fell, and it was cooling off
after that.

There were many activities. Especially; the hiking on Mt.
Jindeungnal was a special course on the summer retreat.

In the evening, Joen minister preached the merciful word
of the retreat, and it was deeply touching.

The JS department’s performance was simply amazing
and excellent.

They forgot their age, and gave a glory to God like a child.

I was impressed by their enthusiasm.

God and Jesus also might be happy, he was grinning ear to ear.
